Futuristic The World Health Organization (F-WHO)

The World Health Organization leads global efforts to expand universal health coverage. Except, unlike the normal World Health Organization, in this committee, we will go centuries into the future, to the 2530s.

We will think about and discuss a virus that will mark those years and perhaps remain on the agenda for many years to come. Technology will improve as well as cloning will become easily accessible. Thanks to these developments, the representatives of this committee will represent cloned scientists from certain parts of the world who are at the forefront of medicine. Perhaps Emil Adolf von Behring the famous German scientist of the 1900s,or Ivan Petrovich Pavlov, or the Nobel Prize-winning Russian scientist IIya IIyich Mechnikov will do what any scientist would do for a virus that endangers human life on a global scale.

This virus, a fungal virus called Limpomyces Nookiebacter. This fungal virus is powerfully spreading its spores across the earth causing a global pandemic. It will put humanity in grave danger, some scientists will argue that natural selection is the way to prevent a rapidly growing population weakened by factors such as global warming, while others will not give up on eradicating this virus.
Which path shall the representatives pursue?